9 th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics

December 17 - 20, 2018 - Paris - France

ElecMol’18 is a single-session conference with a program consisting in 15 Invited Lectures / 48 Oral Communications / Poster Communications

CONFERENCE FEES (including 19.6% VAT) (accommodation not included)
Early Bird Registration: Until October 22, 2018
Academic/Non-Academic Researchers: 600€/720€
Ph-d Students: 390€
Late Registration: After Oct. 22, 2018 : 450/720/840€

Deadline for abstract submission: 15th october 2018.
A registration form and instructions for abstract submission is available online @ www.elecmol.com

The polyol process has been pioneered by Prof. F. Fiévet and co-workers in the 80s and is now widely recognized and practiced as a unique soft chemical method for the preparation of a large variety of nanoparticles which can be used in important technological fields. It offers many advantages: low cost, ease of use and, very importantly, already proven scalability for industrial applications. Among the different classes of inorganic nanoparticles which can be prepared in liquid polyols, metals were the first reported.
The authors, from ITODYS and LPCNO in Toulouse have just published a review aiming to give a comprehensive account of the strategies used to prepare monometallic nanoparticles and multimetallic materials with tailored size and shape. As regards monometallic materials, while the preparation of noble as well as ferromagnetic metals is now clearly established, the scope of the polyol process has been extended to the preparation of more electropositive metals, such as post-transition metals and semi-metals. In this review, the potential of this method is also clearly displayed for the preparation of alloys, intermetallics and core–shell nanostructures with a very large diversity of compositions and architectures.

link to the article.

Les Palmes académiques sont une marque de reconnaissance de la carrière des personnels administratifs et des enseignants-chercheurs et de leur engagement au coeur du service public de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Cette promotion 2018 récompense des collègues issus d'horizons différents qui se sont investis de manière remarquable et quotidienne au sein de Paris Diderot.

Steeve Reisberg, directeur de l'IUT et chercheur au laboratoire Itodys, équipe Surface Bioactive et Capteurs - à reçu le Grade de Chevalier

Dr Sylvain Chambon (Univ. Bordeaux, IMS, CNRS, UMR 5218), donnera une conférence intitulée :

« Interfaces in INVERTED organic solar cells : From activation issues to stability »

Le vendredi 28 septembre 2018 à 11h, salle 774 du bâtiment Lavoisier

L’Association Française de l’Electronique Imprimée - AFELIM organise les Rencontres Electronique Imprimée et Journée Technique qui auront lieu :
Le 28 Mars 2018 : Pavillon Vendôme, place Vendôme 75008 Paris
Le 29 Mars 2018 : Journée technique CAPTEURS, place Aurélie Nemours, Bât. S. Germain 75013.

Plus de renseignements sur le site : rencontreselectroniqueimprimee.com