A basis set optimized for double hybrid functionals in order to allow for an accurate evaluation of weak noncovalent interactions, thus, avoiding empirical dispersion corrections, whose use is particularly vexing for nonempirical functionals. Furthermore, large systems, such as the C60 dimer, are modelled at a reduced computational cost, due to their small size.

Brémond, É; Ciofini, I.; Sancho-García, J.C. and Adamo, C.  J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 46, 10040

In this work, we have combined nanosphere lithography with electrochemical reduction of aryldiazonium salts to elaborate nanostructured mixed layers of organic materials. The strategy consists first in the deposition of a close-packed hexagonal monolayer of microbeads used as a mask for the electroreduction of a first aryldiazonium salt. After removing the beads, an ultrathin organic layer with holes remains. Then, a second aryldiazonium salt is electrochemically reduced selectively inside the holes.

Nguyen, V.-Q., Schaming, D., Martin, P. & Lacroix, J.-C. Nanostructured Mixed Layers of Organic Materials Obtained by Nanosphere Lithography and Electrochemical Reduction of Aryldiazonium Salts. Langmuir, 9b02811 (2019). doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02811

Following the success of the previous editions of ElecMOL 1-9 (2002 to 2019), We are pleased to announce the 10th edition of the international conference ElecMol10 which will be held in Lyon at the ENS Lyon in 2020. The main purpose of the conference is an up-to-date scientific exchange on recent advances in the field of molecular electronics, gathering researchers from all over the world around top-level plenary and keynote speakers. This reunion is also an opportunity for the development of national and international collaborations between academic and private partners at the highest level.

Following the success of the previous editions of ElecNano 1-8 (2006 to 2018), the researchers of the LISE (team of the Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Électrochimiques) of the Sorbonne Université and the sub-Division of Electrochemistry of the French Chemical Society are happy to organise the 9th meeting of Electrochemistry in Nanoscience.
Elecnano9 - May 25th - 27th 2020  in Paris
Electrochemistry for Nano & Nano for Electrochemistry
Visit www.elecnano.fr

A l’occasion de la 28e édition de la Fête de la Science, venez (re)découvrir le monde fascinant des Nanos à travers deux conférences pour d’une part explorer les modes de fabrications et les propriétés singulières des nanomatériaux et d’autre part, apporter des clarifications sur leur toxicité potentielle ou avérée.