Le Professeur Garry S. Hanan, de l'Université de Montréal, est parmi nous jusqu'au vendredi 14 juin, dans le cadre de la campagne d'invitation 2019.
Il donnera un séminaire le vendredi 14 juin à 11h, en salle 774 (Bât. Lavoisier, 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf, 75013, Paris) :
"Molecular photo-catalytic systems for hydrogen production with earth abundant metals"
The conversion of solar energy into chemical bonds by the splitting of water is a solution for the replacement of fossil fuels. In the field of molecular artificial photosynthesis, absorption and emission of light, energy transfer, charge separation, electronic transfer, and catalytic activity can all be tuned by the chemical and structural composition of the molecules in question. In this presentation, an overview of the literature concerning Earth-abundant catalysts will be followed by some of our own work with cobalt-based catalysts (Figure). Some new heteroleptic and homoleptic photosensitizers based on Ru(II) and Ir(III) were investigated in a variety of conditions (e.g., various wavelengths of irradiation, various concentrations, organic or aqueous media). Additionally, the activity of new cobalt complexes with different functions such as imine and oxime were studied for hydrogen evolving capacity. The choice of various substituents on the ligand affords steric and electronic tunability.