Mingyang LIU  soutiendra sa thèse intitulé "light and electron coupling in molecular junctions " le 29 mars à 14h en salle 774 - Bâtiment Lavoisier – 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf, 75013 Paris.

Vous pouvez également y assister en visionconférence : https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89739821758?pwd=eWM2djB0RHZZYndIb2lRMVJWdldUdz09.

Résumé :

In my Ph.D., I worked based on the topic of 'light and electron coupling in molecular junctions', which mainly focuses on investigating the photo-response of large-area molecular junctions. The whole story starts with the photo-response behavior of single-component large-area molecular junctions, which includes photoconductive and photovoltaic effects. Then, several two components of molecular junctions were also designed and fabricated and the photo-response of the bilayer MJs was investigated under the aspiration of improving photo-response behavior by applying the electron-donor and acceptor structure. Finally, one component of the bilayer is replaced by photochromic molecules for further investigating the photo-switch property of photo-chromic large-area molecular junctions. During the above works, we observed the reproducible and strong photo-response and also proposed several ideas for designing high-performance photo-response devices.